Haworthia retusa, Droerivier |
Haworthia retusa (L.) Duval
retusa: with leaf-tips bent back thumb-like.
H. retusa comes from area around Riversdale. It is very closely associated with H. turgida (in Bayer´s newest revision he included H. turgida under H. retusa). In area around Heidelberg H. retusa may integrate to H. mutica or H. retusa var. nigra.
Plants usually grow single or seldom proliferous (form "geraldii"). The forms vary in cultivation and both dark and light green forms may occur. The darker forms may have some relationship to H. magnifica and the light forms to H. turgida. Old variety fouchei is much more robust, var. geraldi is smaller, forming dense clusters. When I visited Komserante, locality of both forms, I observed that geraldii was in full flower with some fruits, but fouchei, which grows on the same ridge few hundred metres away hadn´t any sign of flowering yet.
Bayer include all three species recognized by Scott viz. H. geraldii, H. fouchei and H. multilineata under H. retusa. Breuer recognize H. geraldii as a valid species. In Bruce´s actual ideas, H.retusa is connected to H.mirabilis.
Distribution map
Around Riversdale you can find H. retusa nearly on every hill or place where origin vegetation is remaining. Usually it grows under bushes or among stones. Sometimes above ground, sometimes well withdrawn in soil. I have seen plants almost 15 cm in diameter, in 99% solitary. On several places it grows near to H. magnifica, in few cases natural hybrids were observed. Population from Kruisriver was described as H. vernalis, plants from here are somehow intermediate between retusa and magnifica. (see separed article)
In cultivation H. retusa belongs to easy species - if you grow them in more sunny position, nice leaf color and white lines will appear. Best method of propagation is from seeds, but in case of proliferous plants - offsetts. Easy method is also leaf propagation.
Haworthia retusa, SSE of Riversdale, NEW PHOTO |
Haworthia retusa, SSE of Riversdale, NEW PHOTO |
Haworthia retusa, SSE of Riversdale, NEW PHOTO |
Haworthia retusa, SSE of Riversdale, NEW PHOTO |
Locality of H. retusa, SSE of Riversdale, NEW PHOTO |
Haworthia retusa, Droerivier |
Haworthia retusa, Droerivier |
Haworthia retusa, Droerivier |
Locality of Haworthia retusa, Droerivier |
Haworthia retusa, Soetmelkstrivier |
Haworthia retusa, Soetmelkstrivier |
Locality of H. retusa, Soetmelkstrivier |
Haworthia retusa / retusa v. nigra, Pienaarsrivier t-off |
Haworthia retusa / retusa v. nigra, Pienaarsrivier t-off |
Haworthia retusa / retusa v. nigra, Pienaarsrivier t-off |
Haworthia retusa / retusa v. nigra, Pienaarsrivier t-off |
Locality of H. retusa / retusa v. nigra, Pienaarsrivier t-off |
Haworthia retusa, W. Soetmelksrivier |
Haworthia retusa, W. Soetmelksrivier |
Haworthia retusa, W. Soetmelksrivier |
Haworthia retusa, W. Soetmelksrivier |
Haworthia retusa X H. magnifica, W. Soetmelksrivier |
Locality of H. retusa, W. Soetmelksrivier |
Haworthia retusa 'fouchei', Komserante, NE. Riversdale |
Haworthia retusa 'fouchei', Komserante, NE. Riversdale |
Haworthia retusa 'fouchei', Komserante, NE. Riversdale |
Haworthia retusa 'fouchei', Komserante, NE. Riversdale |
Haworthia retusa 'geraldii', Komserante, NE. Riversdale |
Haworthia retusa 'geraldii', Komserante, NE. Riversdale |
Haworthia retusa 'geraldii', Komserante, NE. Riversdale |
Haworthia retusa 'geraldii', Komserante, NE. Riversdale |
Locality of H. retusa 'geraldii', Komserante, NE. Riversdale |
At this locality grows together with H. minima and very close to H. retusa 'fouchei' and H. magnifica 'asperula'.
Haworthia retusa, W. Riversdale |
Haworthia retusa, W. Riversdale |
Haworthia retusa, W. Riversdale |
Haworthia retusa, W. Riversdale |
Locality of H. retusa, W. Riversdale |
Haworthia retusa, Werner Frehse Reserve |
Haworthia retusa, Werner Frehse Reserve |
Haworthia retusa, Werner Frehse Reserve |
Haworthia retusa, Werner Frehse Reserve |
Haworthia retusa, S of Riversdale |
Haworthia retusa, S of Riversdale |
Haworthia retusa, S of Riversdale |
Haworthia retusa, S of Riversdale |
Locality of H. retusa, S of Riversdale |
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Haworthia retusa, Riversdale Airport |
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Haworthia retusa, Riversdale Airport |
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Haworthia retusa, Riversdale Airport |
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Haworthia retusa, Riversdale Airport |
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Locality of H. retusa, Riversdale Airport |
Aloe retusa, H. fouchei, H. retusa var. multilineata, H. multilineata, H .retusa var. solitaria, H. solitaria, H. retusa var. densiflora, H. geraldii
Known localities:
- 8 km W. Riversdale (3421AA)
- Along Corenete River, 10 km NW. Riversdale (3421AA)
- 4 km N. Riversdale (3421AA)
- SW. Riversdale (3421AA)
- Grootvlei, near Riversdale (3421AA)
- Blinkbonnie (3421AB)
- Zeekoegat (3421AB)
- Ferguson Drive (3421AB)
- 3 km N. Riversdale (3421AA)
- 5 km E. Riversdale (3421AB)
- Vet River Road (3421AB)
- 14 km E. Riversdale (3421AB)
- Riversdale commonage (3421AB)
- Riversdale (3421AB)
- 3 km E. Grootvlei (3421AB)
- Werner Frehse Reserve (3421AB)
- S. Riversdale (3421AB)
- SE. Riversdale (3421AB)
- Blombos, S. Riversdale
- 1,5 km SE. Riversdale (3421AB)
- Kweekraal, W. Riversdale (3421AA)
- Pienaarsrivier turn-off (3421AA)
- Plattekop (3421AB)
- Soetmelksrivier (3421AB)
- Jakkalskop (3421AA)
- 3 km S. Riversdale (3421AB)
- Riversdale Skool (3421AB)
- 1,6 km NE. Riversdale (3421AB)
- Riversdale Airstrip (3421AB)
- 2 km SE. Riversdale (3421AB)
- Droerivier, SW. Riversdale (3421AA)
- Ratelkop, W. Riversdale (3421AA)
Hey. I've got a retusa that doesn't seem to be drinking the water that I give it. Can you help me with this?
the reason can be, that it has lost its roots (you can check it), in that case clean the old dead roots, keep it dry for week and start wattering slowly again.
Othervise be carefull not to over-watter it.
how often do you water a retusa??
I wait until mine is completely dried out then basically soak it. It's only in 1" of dirt so this doesn't take a lot of water. I've had good luck with once every 2-3 weeks... Better too seldom than too often though
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