Haworthia arachnoidea, Bellevue
Haworthia arachnoidea var. arachnoidea (L.) Duval
arachnoidea: spider-like.
H. arachnoidea is well known plant from Western Cape. It
is characteristic by numerous leaves, which are uniformly dark green with no
translucens area and leave tips occasionally drying and forming a
protective cover for the rosette. Leaves margins and keels are with
translucens spines. Size of the rossette can reach 180 mm in diameter. It is usually solitary or very slowly offsetting plant. It grows on south slopes, but is always well shaded under bushes or amongst rocks.
Bruce Bayer divides in his book Haworthia Revisited species H. arachnoidea in following varieties - var. arachnoidea, var. aranea, var. namaquensis, var. nigricans, var. scabrispina, var. setata and var. xiphiophylla.
Distribution map |
Var. arachnoidea occurs in the Worcester - Robertson area (sensu Bayer) (in this article I also includes plants from Ouberg Pass - H. arachnoidea 'laxa'). In this area it grows in close association with other species (H. herbace, H. reticulata, H. maraisii, H. maculata and others) and there are no signs of hybridization. In other areas are known natural hybrids with H. blackburniae or with H. truncata.
H. arachnoidea is quite complicated species. It grows on large area and it is very variable. It is for sure influenced by several other species like H. nortiery, H. globosiflora, H. pehlemanniae, H. decipiens and H. mucronata. You can have easily only 1 species (sensu Bayer) or you can have virtually 100 (sensu Hayashi). In my "arachnoidea concept" on my web, I use a kind of mixture. Basis part is from Bruce Bayer and I add several "new" names - at the moment: 'dimorphoides', 'tradouwensis', 'candida', 'tretyrensis', 'scottii' , 'isomorpha' and 'joubertii'. There many other "new" names - in some cases I will only mention them on the photo or in text. H. xiphiophylla I will describe in separate article.
H. arachnoidea is well known in cultivation, it needs more shady conditions, othervise it can be burned very easily. Propagation should by done by seed, seldomly by offsetts.
Aloe pumila var. arachnoidea, Aloe arachnoides, H. arachnoidea var. minor
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Haworthia arachnoidea, Kanetvlei, NEW PHOTO
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Haworthia arachnoidea, Kanetvlei, NEW PHOTO
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Haworthia arachnoidea, Kanetvlei, NEW PHOTO
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Locality of H. arachnoidea, Kanetvlei, NEW PHOTO
Haworthia arachnoidea, Nonna |
Haworthia arachnoidea, Nonna |
Haworthia arachnoidea, Nonna |
Locality of H. arachnoidea, Nonna
Haworthia arachnoidea, Bellevue
Haworthia arachnoidea, Bellevue
Haworthia arachnoidea, Bellevue
Locality of H. arachnoidea, Bellevue
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Haworthia arachnoidea, near Eilandia t-off
Locality of H. arachnoidea, near Eilandia t-off
Haworthia arachnoidea, near Eilandia t-off
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Haworthia arachnoidea, near Eilandia t-off
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H. arachnoidea 'laxa', foot of Ouberg Pass |
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H. arachnoidea 'laxa', foot of Ouberg Pass |
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H. arachnoidea 'laxa', foot of Ouberg Pass |
Locality of H. arachnoidea 'laxa', foot of Ouberg Pass |
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H. arachnoidea 'laxa', Breipaal |
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H. arachnoidea 'laxa', Breipaal |
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H. arachnoidea 'laxa', Breipaal |
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H. arachnoidea 'laxa', Breipaal |
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H. arachnoidea 'laxa', Dassieskraal
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H. arachnoidea 'laxa', Dassieskraal
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H. arachnoidea 'laxa', Kruisrivier |
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H. arachnoidea 'laxa', Kruisrivier |
Locality of H. arachnoidea 'laxa', Kruisrivier |
Known localities:
- Hex River (3319BD)
- Tonnel Stn. (3319BD)
- Worcester (3319CB)
- 8 km NE. Worcester (3319CB)
- E. Worcester (3319CB)
- Effata (3319DA)
- Buitenskloof (3319DB)
- Ouberg (3220AD)
- 1 km S. Eilandia turn-off (3319DC)
- foot of Ouberg Pass (3320CB)
- Brepaal (3320DB)
- Kruisrivier
- Dassieskraal (3320DB)
- Pietersfontein (3320CA)
- Bellvue (3319DA)
- Mowers (3319DA)
- NE. Ouberg Pass (3320CB)
- Over Hex to De Wet (3319DA)
- Kanetvlei (3319DA)
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