Haworthia pilifera Baker
pilifera: with hairs.
H. pilifera is on of the largest species from "cooperi" family, up to 120 mm in diameter, often proliferous, bluish-green in colour, slightly translucent, with veins usually reddening and leaves developing purplish hues in exposed situations. Leaves has obtuse acuminate end-area with a pronounced point to the leaf. The margins and keel are sharply angled. It is very closely drawn into the soil surface. The stumpy leaf-ends may be attractively veined or may become almost necrotic to exclude light.
H. pilifera growsfrom Kingwilliamstown in the east, to the west around Port Elizabeth and than it grows up to Fort Beaufort in the north. Its habitats varies from grassy araeas, where it grows among small stones and grass to the places covered with dense bushes - here it grows among dead vegetation under the bushes or it can grown more or less exposed and than only leave tips are visible.
H. pilifera is quite easy species, can be propagated by offsetts or seeds.

locality of Haworthia pilifera, 4 km S. Motherwell

Haworthia pilifera, Blaukrans Pass

Haworthia pilifera, Blaukrans Pass

locality of Haworthia pilifera, Blaukrans Pass

Haworthia pilifera, Majamanini

Haworthia pilifera, 5 km E. Middleton

Haworthia pilifera, turn off to Sheldon

Haworthia pilifera, Hopeful farm

Haworthia pilifera, Hopeful farm

Haworthia pilifera, just S. Fort Beaufort

locality of Haworthia pilifera, just S. Fort Beaufort

Haworthia pilifera, NW. Redhouse

Haworthia pilifera, turn off to Glen Craig

Haworthia pilifera, 4 km E. Fort Beaufort
Photo by Ingo Breuer

Haworthia pilifera, The Downs, near Port Elizabeth

locality of Haworthia pilifera, The Downs, near Port Elizabeth

locality of Haworthia pilifera, Sheldon
Photo by Ingo Breuer

Haworthia pilifera, N. Edendale
Photo by Ingo Breuer

Haworthia pilifera, turn off to Glen Craig
Photo by Ingo Breuer

Haworthia pilifera, The Downs, near Port Elizabeth
Photo by Ingo Breuer

Haworthia pilifera, The Downs, near Port Elizabeth
Photo by Ingo Breuer

Haworthia pilifera, The Downs, near Port Elizabeth
Photo by Ingo Breuer

Haworthia pilifera, NE. Huntsdrift
Photo by Ingo Breuer
Haworthia pilifera, NE. Huntsdrift
Photo by Ingo Breuer

Haworthia pilifera, Bluakrans Pass
Photo by Ingo Breuer

Haworthia pilifera, Bluakrans Pass
Photo by Ingo Breuer

locality of Haworthia pilifera, Bluakrans Pass
Photo by Ingo Breuer

Haworthia pilifera, Majamanini
Photo by Ingo Breuer

Haworthia pilifera, Majamanini
Photo by Ingo Breuer

Haworthia pilifera, just S. Fort Beaufort
Photo by Ingo Breuer
H. obtusa var. pilifera, H. stayneri, H. pilifera var. stayneri, H. obtusa var. stayneri, H. stayneri var. salina, H. pilifera var. salina, H. obtusa var. salina, H. pilifera var. dielsiana forma acuminata, H. obtusa var. dielsiana forma acuminata, H. altilinea, H. cooperi var. pilifera
Known localitites:
pilifera: with hairs.
H. pilifera is on of the largest species from "cooperi" family, up to 120 mm in diameter, often proliferous, bluish-green in colour, slightly translucent, with veins usually reddening and leaves developing purplish hues in exposed situations. Leaves has obtuse acuminate end-area with a pronounced point to the leaf. The margins and keel are sharply angled. It is very closely drawn into the soil surface. The stumpy leaf-ends may be attractively veined or may become almost necrotic to exclude light.
H. pilifera growsfrom Kingwilliamstown in the east, to the west around Port Elizabeth and than it grows up to Fort Beaufort in the north. Its habitats varies from grassy araeas, where it grows among small stones and grass to the places covered with dense bushes - here it grows among dead vegetation under the bushes or it can grown more or less exposed and than only leave tips are visible.
H. pilifera is quite easy species, can be propagated by offsetts or seeds.

locality of Haworthia pilifera, 4 km S. Motherwell

Haworthia pilifera, Blaukrans Pass

Haworthia pilifera, Blaukrans Pass

locality of Haworthia pilifera, Blaukrans Pass

Haworthia pilifera, Majamanini

Haworthia pilifera, 5 km E. Middleton

Haworthia pilifera, turn off to Sheldon

Haworthia pilifera, Hopeful farm

Haworthia pilifera, Hopeful farm

Haworthia pilifera, just S. Fort Beaufort

locality of Haworthia pilifera, just S. Fort Beaufort

Haworthia pilifera, NW. Redhouse
Haworthia pilifera, turn off to Glen Craig
Haworthia pilifera, 4 km E. Fort Beaufort
Photo by Ingo Breuer

Haworthia pilifera, The Downs, near Port Elizabeth

locality of Haworthia pilifera, The Downs, near Port Elizabeth
locality of Haworthia pilifera, Sheldon
Photo by Ingo Breuer
Haworthia pilifera, N. Edendale
Photo by Ingo Breuer
Haworthia pilifera, turn off to Glen Craig
Photo by Ingo Breuer
Haworthia pilifera, The Downs, near Port Elizabeth
Photo by Ingo Breuer
Haworthia pilifera, The Downs, near Port Elizabeth
Photo by Ingo Breuer
Haworthia pilifera, The Downs, near Port Elizabeth
Photo by Ingo Breuer
Haworthia pilifera, NE. Huntsdrift
Photo by Ingo Breuer
Haworthia pilifera, NE. Huntsdrift
Photo by Ingo Breuer
Haworthia pilifera, Bluakrans Pass
Photo by Ingo Breuer
Haworthia pilifera, Bluakrans Pass
Photo by Ingo Breuer
locality of Haworthia pilifera, Bluakrans Pass
Photo by Ingo Breuer
Haworthia pilifera, Majamanini
Photo by Ingo Breuer
Haworthia pilifera, Majamanini
Photo by Ingo Breuer
Haworthia pilifera, just S. Fort Beaufort
Photo by Ingo Breuer
H. obtusa var. pilifera, H. stayneri, H. pilifera var. stayneri, H. obtusa var. stayneri, H. stayneri var. salina, H. pilifera var. salina, H. obtusa var. salina, H. pilifera var. dielsiana forma acuminata, H. obtusa var. dielsiana forma acuminata, H. altilinea, H. cooperi var. pilifera
Known localitites:
- Viedgesville (3128DA)
- Little Fish (3225DA)
- Cookhouse, Patryshoogte (3225DD)
- 24 km S. Bedford (3226CA)
- Good Hope, Alice (3226DD)
- Fort Hare (3226DD)
- Alice (3226DD)
- Middledrift (3226DD)
- Fort Murray Bridge (3227BD)
- E. Keiskammahoek (3227CA)
- Keiskammahoek (3227CA)
- 5 km Kingwilliamstown to Pirie Dam (3227CC)
- Golf course (3227CD)
- Line Drift (3227CD)
- Balazi (3227CD)
- St. Johnson Drift (3227DA)
- Near Komgha (3227DB)
- Brigadoon (3227DC)
- Buffalo River (3227DC)
- Bridal Drift (3227DC)
- Cambridge (3227DD)
- Cookhouse to Zuurberg (3325BA)
- Shenfield (3325BB)
- Kommadagga (3325BB)
- 18 km N. Zuurberg Inn (3325BC)
- Enon (3325BC)
- Zuurberg (3325BC)
- Addo Park (3325BD)
- Bauerskraal (3325CB)
- Despatch (3325CD)
- 1 km W. Uitenhaage (3325CD)
- 22 km Port Elizabeth to Uitenhaage (3325DC)
- E. Uitenhaage (3325DC)
- Bethelsdorp salt pan (3325DC)
- Redhouse (3325DC)
- E. Riebeek East (3326AA)
- Willowfountein (3326AA)
- Blauwkrantz (3326AC)
- NW. Salem (3326AD)
- 8 km N. Grahamstown (3326AD)
- The Fort (3326BA)
- Keiskamma near Breakfast Vlei (3326BB)
- Debe Nek (3326BB)
- N. Committees (3326BB)
- E. Committees (3326BB)
- Committees (3326BB)
- 16 km N. Cradock Road (3326BC)
- Grahamstown (3326BC)
- Bothas Hill (3326BC)
- Frazers Camp (3326BD)
- Peninsula (3326DA)
- Brigadoon (3326DC)
- Peddie (3327AA)
- S. Kingwilliamstown (3327AB)
- E. Chalumna (3327BA)
- NE. Grahamstown
- 10 km NW. Motherwell (3325DC)
- 3 km E. Fort Beaufort (3326DC)
- 4 km E. Fort Beaufort (3326DC)
- 4 km S. Motherwell (3325DC)
- 5 km NW. Motherwell (3325DC)
- 1 km W. Fort Beaufort (3326DC)
- Fort Murray (3227DC)
- Grassridge, N. Koega Kop (3325DC)
- Hopeful farm, S. Fort Beaufort (3226DC)
- Hunt´s Drift (3326BB)
- Chancery Hall, S. Adelaide
- just S. Fort Beaufort (3325DC)
- just SW. Fort Beaufort (3325DC)
- Kingwilliamstown (3227CD)
- Kubusie Drift (3227CB)
- Majamanini (3227CB)
- N. Edendale (3226DC)
- NW. Redhouse (3325DC)
- Persevearence (3325DC)
- Ripplemead, Kubusie Drift (3227CB)
- S. Slagtersnek Monument (3225DB)
- Slagtersnek Monument (3225DD)
- W. Huntsdrift (3326BB)
- Stutterheim (3227CB)
- The Tower, Fort Beaufort (3226DC)
- t-off to Glen Craig (3326BC)
- t-off to Sheldon (3325BB)
I love this plant, one of my favorite, nice to see them growing wild. Thanks for the wonderful site!
These are excellent photos. Piliferas are definitely some of my favorite Haw's and you captured some real beauties in the wild. Thanks for sharing!
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