Haworthia enigma

Haworthia enigma, Korrente River road

Haworthia enigma M.Hayashi

H. enigma is smaller, 4-5 cm in diameter, stemless plant from magnifica atrofusca group. It differs from atrofusca in having roundish, larger and strongly succulent leaves. Colour is brownish green. Plant remains usually solitary. It grows on low grassy slopes with small pebbles.

Distribution map
H. enigma is known from Korrente River road, NW of Riversdale. In the same locality grows H. floribunda and form of 'normal' retusa/magnifica, which is much smaller. Nature hybrid between floribunda and enigma was reported from the same spot.

In cultivation it is one of the most attractive magnifica species/forms. Propagation should be done by seed or leave cuttings. It needs same growing conditions as other magnifica plants.

Known locality:
  • NW. Riversdale on Korrente River Road (3421AB)

Haworthia enigma, Korrente River road
Haworthia enigma, Korrente River road
Haworthia enigma, Korrente River road
Haworthia enigma, Korrente River road
Haworthia enigma, Korrente River road
Haworthia enigma, Korrente River road, NEW PHOTO
H. enigma X floribunda, Korrente River road, NEW PHOTO
Locality of H. enigma, Korrente River road

1 comment:

Chris said...

Jakub, i think it’s Korente river road, with one “r” ��.