Haworthia venosa

H. venosa Sandrift
Haworthia venosa (Lam.) Haw.
venosa: veined.

H. venosa
is usually stemless, slowly proliferous species which occurs in the Breede River Valley.
In the field leaves of the plants are invariably erect, whereas in cultivation they tend to recurve. In the northern population the plants may have leaves up to 120 mm long whereas population in the south were observed plants with leaves only 30 mm long. 

Distribution map

Ingo Breuer is using only the name H. venosa and has split all subspecies to separed species. H. venosa has been reported also from Gouritz River Valley, this form was named H. irmiae by I. Breuer.

In cultivation it grows without any major difficulties. It is a slowly offsetting species.

H. venosa SW. Swellendam
H. venosa SW. Swellendam
H. venosa SW. Swellendam
H. venosa SW. Swellendam
H. venosa SW. Swellendam
H. venosa 'irmiae' Valsriviermond
H. venosa 'irmiae' Valsriviermond
H. venosa 'irmiae' Valsriviermond
H. venosa 'irmiae' Valsriviermond
Locality of H. venosa 'irmiae' Valsriviermond
H. venosa Sandrift
H. venosa Sandrift
H. venosa Sandrift
Locality of H. venosa Sandrift
H. venosa, near Malgas, NEW PHOTO
H. venosa, near Malgas, NEW PHOTO
H. venosa, near Malgas, NEW PHOTO
H. venosa, near Malgas, NEW PHOTO
Locality of H. venosa, near Malgas, NEW PHOTO
H. venosa, Felixe Unite, NEW PHOTO
H. venosa, Felixe Unite, NEW PHOTO
H. venosa, Felixe Unite, NEW PHOTO
H. venosa, Felixe Unite, NEW PHOTO
Locality of H. venosa, Felixe Unite, NEW PHOTO
Aloe venosa, Aloe tricolor, Aloe recurva, , H. recurva, H. distincta, H. venosa var. oertendahlii

Known localities:

  • Swellendam (3420AB)
  • Bontebok Park (3420AB)
  • Breede River (3420AB)
  • Malgas (3420BC)
  • Sandrift (3420BA)
  • Napkysmond (3420BC)
  • Dipkasmond (3420BC)
  • Valsriviermond (3421BA)
  • SW. Swellendam (3420AB)

1 comment:


Hello, your blog has helped me a lot, I hope you can continue helping those of us who are just starting in this haworthias.
Another thing, I have a doubt about the difference between H. tesellata and H. venosa.
could you explain me