Gasteria species

Gasteria polita, near Whiskey Creek

Gasteria species

This page is still under construction, but similar as in Haworthia section, you will find here all Gasteria species.

In the future you will find here description, information and a bit of theory about all species, varieties and forms and of course photos...

I´m using names and current taxonomy of Ernst J. van Jaarsveld from his "Gasteria of South Africa - A new revision of a major succulent group".


Maree Clarkson said...

Thank you for this site! It helped me identify my Gasteria batesiana! Now I'm just waiting for this page on Gasteria species to be completed!

Unknown said...

This is the best site of its kind i have found. Great helpful information and fantastic ID aid. Please keep up the good work it is much appreciated

Anonymous said...

Great stuff here, i love this site. Is it possible to add some Information on hybrids that occur out there in the wild ?